There are different databases either containing specific clinical trials (only for doctors or/and for patients) or containing general reviews of a therapeutic area. These databases allows the researchers to obtain information about descriptive features of clinical trial protocols, to locate references and access is also available to the summary of finished reviews and metanalyses.
BioMedNet Reviewed Medline (only to register on first visit).
Resources and Guidelines
Access either to the draft and final or versions of the Efficacy Working Party) guidelines. Among other resources you could find the guidelines (PDF format) to perform clinical trials in the following diseases: Parkinson's Disease, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer, Studies with Children, Depression, Bipolar Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
Review Workshop: Traumatic Head Injury TBI Research Report of the meeting.May 2000. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Access to the guidelines relevant to clinical trials performance (PDF format).